Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Do your Homework

I recently read a quote that really resonated with me and the work I do with clients.

"What you do everyday matters more than what you do every once in while."

Of course, we all know that most of us can't schedule a massage everyday. But we can move every day. Eat everyday. Meditate everyday. Sleep well. Tell our loved ones how much they mean to us every day. All of this is what matters most to your health.

Another thing you can do everyday -- and actually do without even realizing it -- is stretch and self-massage. The trick is to do these things consciously and with intention.

You wake up and stretch, naturally. You get in and out of your car. Up and down from your desk. All of these everyday activities involve stretching the tissues of your body. It doesn't have to be formal, although it is nice to flex and move the spine forward, backward, side to side, twisting -- in a methodical way. (Or while your dancing to your favorite music!)

With the right tools, you can also massage your back and legs, arms and feet, even your scalp. Everyday! The foam roller can be your best friend and at home massage therapist. See more about the foam roller here http://www.maggiespa.com/2011/06/self-care-101-foam-roller.html

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