Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Stability + Strength = FREEDOM

Today I had the great pleasure of experiencing a session of Muscle Activation Technique or MAT —with Joe Marso at Conditioning Specialists. Part muscle-testing, part massaging the weakened attachments that inhibit proper alignment, this approach works immediately to correct structural imbalance, creating more stability, strength and balance.

From my perspective, when the muscular system is not working the way it’s ultimately designed to work, you’re heading in the wrong direction. While your body can compensate, it’s best to recruit the “right” muscles for whatever job you’re asking your body to do—whether it’s walking, throwing a ball, or standing in a proud yoga warrior pose. The beauty of the body is that it can—and will—compensate in order to get you through your task if the “right” muscles aren’t available or responding well. The downside is that compromise will likely lead to weakness, discomfort and eventually pain and/or total inhibition in areas that aren’t working properly.

While the body is a process, ever changing and never perfectly aligned, it’s definitely worth the time to identify your body’s tendencies and get—or stay—headed in a strong and stable direction. MAT can really help you get individual and specific information about your body mechanics and jumpstart those muscles that need reactivation or strength building for your “machine” (body) to work to the best of it’s ability. Thanks, Joe, you’ve made me a fan of MAT.

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